Special Invitation Only
Landscape and Travel Photography
Landscape and Travel Photography

17th SEPTEMBER 2016
Pittwater – Sydney[/text_block]

Now You Can Discover the Steps to Taking
Awesome Travel Photography and Landscapes

Limited Seats Available
Reserve Your Seat this Weekend and you’ll
SAVE $200

(Offer only applies to previous Photography Masterclass students)

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Hurry.. Seats are Strictly Limited

You’ll take away so many tips, tricks and ideas that you can put into use immediately and gain the confidence and know-how to create fabulous Travel Photos & Amazing Landscapes that you’ll be thrilled about…. regardless of what type or brand or type of camera you use.

I call it the “Glass Jar” principle

How many times have you traveled and been inspired by the scenery?…. You leap out of the car and admire the view !…. It’s spectacular and literally sends tingles up and down your spine.
You grab your camera…. all you want to do is take a photo to record how amazing this scene is so as you can share your experience with friends and loved ones when you get home.
The reality is that you would love to capture these feeling to remember forever and that others will not only admire your resultant photographs, but you are hoping that your pictures will convey the same feelings that you experienced. The feelings that made you jump out of the car in the first place.
It’s like you want to bottle those feelings…. stick em in a jar and slap the lid on real tight so as you can keep them to reveal the contents to those you care about.[/text_block]

Was it an anticlimax? Did you feel disappointed that somehow your pictures don’t quite look as you remembered? Did you feel that the essence and feelings of that wonderful view you experienced had somehow been lost in your photos?
Don’t worry,,,, I used to feel disappointed too!!!
Until one day, I was introduced to an experienced photographer who introduced me to some very simple rules and techniques that changed the way I took travel and landscape photographs forever.
It these very simple techniques that can be applied (no matter what camera you have) that makes all the difference.
In this special day of Travel and Landscape Photography, I want to share these secrets with you. I guarantee that I will change the way you look at landscapes and show you easy to understand techniques that I guarantee will give your pictures more dimension, more impact and more “WOW FACTOR” every time you press the button.
Please do not miss this special full day workshop opportunity… bring your camera and I look forward to seeing you there!
Anthony Cottrell[/text_block]

- Otimising your camera settings for the perfect exposure
- Mastering light and the creative use of shadows
- How to create depth and dimension in Landscapes
- Advanced compostion techniques for impact
- Creative shutter speed effects that bring your image to life
- How to select he right subject
- How to capture redlections that mesmerise
- Which lens to use for the effect you want
- File formats and file management systems
- Easy special effects
- Managing HDR
- Easy Editing Software techniques
- The benefits of Photo Libraries and how to use them for profit
- The creative uses of filters and accessories
- How to create great night photography
- Plus you will get to ask questions about your camera and equipment
- There will also be an optional live critique session where you can submit your photos for discussion.

This will be a value packed day
that anyone who enjoys photographing landscapes won’t want to miss…
that anyone who enjoys photographing landscapes won’t want to miss…
and as you are a Previous Customer, you can claim your special $200 discount now
and qualify for this remarkable $95 Offer

Take Action Before This Offer Expires

Places Are Limited! Register Now to Avoid Missing Out!

September 17th
Pittwater Sydney NSW
Pittwater Sydney NSW

If you don’t agree that you have benefited from this Travel and Landscape Photography Masterclass… we will refund 100% of your tuition investment….. end of story!!![/text_block]