Take photos that look natural!
Do not allow people to stand with their feet together.
Standing people in a line like statues is a sure fire way of creating a photograph that looks posed and unnatural. The best picture and family and friends are those that look spontaneous.
I often pretend that I have a piece of string attached to their nose and go through the process of furthermore going through the motions of puling the string hand, hand over hand, to pull my subjects noses closer to my camera.
This can be fun, but importantly has the resultant effect of a more dynamic, relaxed and spontaneous photo. In fact the more I have people leaning towards my camera another fantastic benefit occurs….. The more people lean towards me, the more I eliminate any double chins that may have otherwise occurred. Believe me, your subjects will love you for it!
2/ Use a tripod.
When photographing people, using a tripod allows you to come out from behind the camera and interact far with your subject/s. This will definitely result in achieving far more natural expressions.
3/ Use a remote shutter trigger device. I always recommend the use of a remote trigger device that allows me to fire the camera from wherever I am standing These handy accessories are not expensive. You can get them for most makes of camera.
4/ Be spontaneous.
At all costs, engage in natural, fun conversation and NEVER use the word “smile” or resort to counting “1, .2, 3,…’ etc !!!
The fun and spontaneity is enhanced by leaning your subjects towards your camera
Don’t be afraid to have some real fun.
Good people photography is about bringing out the emotions.
HINT: Remember people don’t necessarily cherish the photo…. Your photo will simply be a “souvenir” of the experience of being photographed by you. MAKE IT FUN!!!!!!
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